This page provides checklists, guidance, and project submittal information for engineers and developers working on public drinking water and wastewater projects.
See our project submittal, review, and approval process flow charts for wastewater and drinking water.
Checklists for Plans and Specification Reviews
Checklists can help ensure that important but nonroutine considerations are addressed and the application package is complete. Completed checklists can also expedite the plan and specification review.
Before filling out the following checklists, contact the DEQ regional office in the area where your project will be located for specific instructions.
Complete a General Plan and Specification Review Checklist for each project; use others as required for particular projects.
- See our list of checklists to assist with plan and specification reviews.
Guidance for Engineers and Developers
Guidance does not have the force and effect of law or rule. It is designed to help those impacted by agency actions to comply with laws and rules. The documents may include memoranda, manuals, policy statements, interpretations of law or rules, and other materials that are of general applicability, whether prepared by the agency alone or jointly with other persons. In some cases, guidance consists of recommended best management practices.
- For assistance with engineering and development projects, see our list of guidance documents.
Submit Your Engineer Project for Review
Engineering documents submitted for review must be sent in PDF format, and as appropriate, stamped, signed, and dated. Submittals with multiple documents should be uploaded in a ZIP file, and although PDF format is preferred, supporting information can be in any Microsoft Office format. Not adhering to the requested formats may result in a delay of review.
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To ensure developers, municipalities, and interested parties in DEQ’s Boise Region have up-to-date information on the review status of engineering plans and specifications, the following two reports have been developed:
Engineering Plans and Specifications WebLog
Identifies all projects in DEQ’s Boise Region currently awaiting assignment for engineering design review and the position of each project in the assignment queue.
- In-Review Project Report
Lists all projects in DEQ’s Boise Region currently under engineering design review in alphabetical order.
The reports are updated a minimum of once a week. Additional information not contained in the reports may be requested via email at
Engineering documents submitted for review must be sent in PDF format, and as appropriate, stamped, signed, and dated. Submittals should be combined into as few files as possible; multiple documents should be uploaded in a ZIP file. Although PDF format is preferred, supporting information can be in any Microsoft Office format. To prevent delays in the review process, download the Engineering Review Transmittal Form found below and submit the completed form with each project.
Engineering documents submitted for review must be sent in PDF format, and as appropriate, stamped, signed, and dated. Submittals with multiple documents should be uploaded in a ZIP file, and although PDF format is preferred, supporting information can be in any Microsoft Office format. Not adhering to the requested formats may result in a delay of review.
Engineering documents submitted for review must be sent in PDF format, and as appropriate, stamped, signed, and dated. Submittals with multiple documents should be uploaded in a ZIP file, and although PDF format is preferred, supporting information can be in any Microsoft Office format. Not adhering to the requested formats may result in a delay of review.
- Open the Engineering Review Transmittal Form
- Click on File (top left of screen) and choose Save As to save a copy of the form to your computer.
- Complete the form and save it.
- When you are ready to submit the form, click on the envelope icon on the Home ribbon. A new email message appears with the form attached.
- Insert into the recipient’s line. Fill out the body of the email and send it.
- Note: You can also click on the link to open a new email and attach the form from there.
- Upload electronic engineering project documents to the Lewiston Regional Office
Engineering documents submitted for review should be sent in PDF format (preferred) and stamped, signed, and dated as appropriate. Supporting information can be in any Microsoft Office format, but submittals with multiple documents should be uploaded in a ZIP file. Submittal titles should be as descriptive as possible and must include the project name.
- Open the Engineering Review Transmittal Form
Engineering documents submitted for review must be sent in PDF format, and as appropriate, stamped, signed, and dated. Submit multiple documents by uploading them as a ZIP file. Although PDF format is preferred, supporting information can be in any Microsoft Office format. To prevent delays in the review process, download the Engineering Review Transmittal Form found below and submit the completed form with each project.