Official Government Website

DEQ seeking participation in groundwater monitoring program in Bliss, Idaho 

August 18, 2023

Contact: Nicholas Howell, Source Water Protection Analyst,

BLISS – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is reaching out to private well owners in Bliss, Idaho, to participate in a groundwater sampling program. 

Sampling will take place in September and October of this year and is free for well owners. 

The study will help DEQ assess groundwater quality in the area and determine the primary sources of nitrate contamination. Private well owners will receive a copy of the results along with information on how to protect the quality of their well water. 

Groundwater provides over 95% of Idaho’s drinking water and nitrate is the most common and widespread contaminant in groundwater. Long-term exposure to elevated nitrate levels can have adverse health effects, especially in infants younger than six months and individuals with underlying health conditions. 

DEQ maintains a list of degraded groundwater areas throughout the state, which are referred to as nitrate priority areas. Bliss is considered a moderate priority area with a ranking score of 12. However, DEQ needs additional data in order to help further characterize groundwater quality in the region, identify nitrate trends, and determine if current aquifer degradation is increasing or decreasing.  

To participate, contact Nicholas Howell ( or (208) 737-3870) by September 15, 2023. 

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