Updated at 9:00 a.m. on October 7, 2024: DEQ issued an Air Quality Advisory for one Idaho county, Lemhi County, where all burning is prohibited. Take steps to protect your health and check DEQ’s open burning map for future burn decisions.
Official Government Website

DEQ accepting State Agricultural Best Management Practices Grant Program applications through April 15, 2024 

April 8, 2024

Contact:  Bonnie Yoshizaki, Nonpoint Source Coordinator, Bonnie.Yoshizaki@deq.idaho.gov

BOISE – Applicants interested in implementing agricultural or ranching best management practices have until April 15, 2024, to submit applications under the state Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMP) Grant Program. 

The grant program supports water quality improvement efforts statewide, including helping landowners modify their agricultural practices to reduce water pollution and meet the objectives of total maximum daily load requirements. Eligible projects must address agricultural or ranching BMPs and be ready to implement. Projects must also involve multiple partners and leverage other funding resources. 

Application Process 

DEQ transitioned to a new online grant management system known as AmpliFund. All interested applicants will need to create an account and submit a completed application using the new system. Resources and instructions can be found on DEQ’s Grant Funding Resources web page and Nonpoint Source Subgrants in Idaho web page under the header “Important Dates and Other Information.”  

DEQ is accepting applications from March 15 to April 15, 2024. 

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